The Fish will follow the cursor and if you click you drop food for them, If all you see is a white box then it's not working for you =[
I probably use the cross out tool way more than I should in my writings....

I know

I know

Thursday, 26 June 2014

The Comic Artist And His Assistants (Mangaka-san to Assistant-san) Thoughts in retrospect

Well it's been a pretty unpleasant exam period but hey that's over now so back to doing things I enjoy!
So now that the Spring Season 2014 is in it's closing stages the next posts will be about those ones mainly.
So to start off with we have Mangaka-san to Assistant-san.

So the main character is a manga artist it's about the life of him and his (3) assistants and editor. He is devoted to his work and many times stays up for multiple nights to finish his manuscripts, that being said I'd say hes also equally devoted to women's pants. Yeah he's one of those characters, but that aside I still quite liked this anime cause of it's humor and how he gets shot down by everyone..... all the time

As far as the "story" goes there is no main over arching plot as each episode is split into around 3 scenes (similar to GJ BU!) that are centered around slice of that days events ends with a (mainly exasperated) quote from one of the characters and is a nice way of closing each one.
The characters are enjoyable if slightly generic but all have interesting developments or history flashbacks apart from her....

Don't get me wrong shes a nice enough copy pasted moe blob but I don't recall any development of her at all apart from a bunny outfit which I wouldn't really call plot development, though I guess it's "plot" development. I honestly think a frilly fluffy animal could have taken her place and it wouldn't make a big difference to the series.

To recover from that (slight) tangent this is about Aito the main character. While watching this show I found his extent of being a pervert both funny and harmless but at the same time rather eye brow raising, there are a few times when even I was slightly WTF. *Cough* elevator scene *Cough*
Still those things aside I still find him both funny and an appropriate main character for this series as someone more normal would probably be either boring or so cliche harem it could be on par with Shuffle.
Still there's a TSUNnami of characters lot of characters in this series who are tsundere though shown in different ways.

Like this one...

Or this one....

A wave of them

Or her (kinda)

With episodes only 15 minutes long this has been a nice watch if you don't have lots of time to spare as they are short and you can jump back into the world whenever as there's nothing of note going on, just a dose of situational comedy and cute things. I was sort of surprised with the character that got the most story development nearer the end but found it quite fitting as normally the first girl in a series gets all the romance driven plot but it was fairly appropriate for her not too.
But hey, it's funny short and was one of the releases I was always happy to see having been subbed, I've really enjoyed it and who knows you might too!
Should you watch Mangaka-san to Assistant-san?
Yes totally, unless all the shouting about panties makes you think wtf is this guy doing then I guess not.
Okay the tsunnami pun was bad

Thanks for reading and have a nice day.

**TL NOTE**(Tsun meaning cold personality type) (nami meaning wave) (Tsunami is a large harbor wave) so TSUNnami meaning wave of cold characters

Monday, 19 May 2014

On hold till Middle Of June

So I have exams so the blog is on hold for now untill around 20th June
Have a nice day!

Sunday, 20 April 2014

League of Legends Rito Disclaimer

So I play League of Legends and like a lot of people who play I've probably spent a bit too much time on it for how long I've owned the game. But hey I'd like to think I'm fairly experienced at League so here's a slightly serious disclaimer Rito should make to the buttons to warn people of what they are getting into:
Match me with teammates: ***WARNING*** You may experience the following during play:

  1. Flamming premades
  2. Apparent Diamond/Platinum Smurfs
  3. Afks/Feeders
  4. Role Playing Jungle Clans
  5. People copying things they see in streams/youtube and feeding, [1] [2] [3]
  6. Junglers who stay in the jungle exclusively
  7. Insta-locking
  8. People who "won't/cant" support
  9. Asshole adc's
  10. People who troll to punish trolls
  11. A complete loss of the outdoors
  12. 100% Self Life Steal 
  13. "I only lost cause you didn't gank"
  16. Duo-Top Laners
  17. Nidalee Support
  18. People who want to surrender to early
  19. People who won't surrender a clearly lost game
  20. People who take wraiths after an ace
  21. Teemo
  22. X is a noob champion
  23. "This lag....."
  24. People who flash in the spawn
  25. A 100% rise in blood pressure and irritability
  26. Actual Server Lag [EUW]
  27. French Summoners (Just Kidding ^.^)
  28. AP riven
  29. "OMFG NO SS"
  30. Reported
I will invite my own teammates: ***WARNING*** You may experience the following during play:
  1. Irritation and flamming premade syndrome
  2. People mad because you're only ganking for your premade
  3. People mad cause you're stopping the surrender vote
  4. People mad cause you're bringing your bronze friend into a Gold ranked game
  5. People mad cause you're pushing bot when they're taking mid inhibitor

Oh yeah and 
  1.  Ranked League Games
But All that aside League is a fun game that I would recommend trying at least.
[Here's a link if you want to sign up to League]
Average Day In a Draft Que

Have a nice day summoners

Gj-Bu Season 2!!! EDIT: OVA

So a little late on this but hey the first series was really great so I'm just really glad that they are making a season 2!!! The official website for your reference (click me).
But yeah season 2, I've read some of the light novel chapters here and there but not all of it, that being said I didn't expect a season 2 because of how the first season ends, I was sad to see it go but it seemed appropriate due to the ending (which I won't spoil). But then the website talks about a "continuation" of the series which technically doesn't mean season 2. but we can all hope!!!
If you have no idea what Gj-Bu is it's an anime based off the light novel series of the same name, the light novels (click here for a look at vol 1) are split into chapters that are shorts about events that happen in the club, it's defiantly a light refreshing anime to watch as there's no real story to it just a lot of cute entertaining antics. It's sort of a harem but not really a harem as it's more focused on comedy (and hair brushing, and twirling) with everyone sort of being Rei-cloney at times.

It's got a cutesy look going on about it and is worth a watch If you're looking for something pretty easygoing, you can watch it in between weekly release episodes of other series' as it's just differing things that happen in the club, I wouldn't recommend this if the anime you watch has to have fighting/action/story as it is a slice of life comedy that has slight fringes of romance here and there.

Have a Gj-day

So turns out its a 45 min OVA not a film....
Defiantly worth a watch

Saturday, 19 April 2014

Date- A-Live Episode 1 (Season 2)

She was a great character In S1
So with the second series of Date a live airing I was super hyped for it as I loved the first series, so after watching the first episode I had pretty mixed opinions about it, for one the art style is different (for the worse in my opinion) and I felt that the pacing on the episode was rather unbalanced with it just skipping around jumping from one scene to another.
Now when I say this next bit you should know I have nothing against Tohka
 and I liked her a lot in the first season, but the way she acted just really annoyed me, I mean she took everything too far and took everything way too seriously, like the thing with the suitcase, she knew they were going on a trip and she should at least realise it's not real life, I mean Yoshino did shame she isn't best girl.

I get that they were doing essentially a opening season 2 Tohka reset to sort of remind you that she is the important one or something and arguably the main heroine but it just made me dislike her for that episode, there's cute and air headed and there's crazy, when doing an anime that is pretty much all filler and fan service there are certain things you have to do right and here that was balancing the way the character is portrayed in relation to that line, and it came off as way too clingy crazy than I've come to expect from her character, I mean we already have a girl who fits the crazy demographic (best girl).

Still I have high hopes for season 2 and I hope it changes for the better with the hurricane sisters blowing in (heh heh heh), and please DAL no more too over needy Tohka. Though it still has a similar feel to the first series with all the Origami  japes.
A 5 second city shot is all Kurumi got? I disapprove.

And as always, have a nice day

Edit: So It's been a long time since I wrote this and since then I'm surprised to say I actually didn't finish Date A Live Season 2, I think I stopped like episode 4 and dropped it for more interesting stuff,  for me personally the second season pales in comparison to the first and I was really disappointed, still don't let that put you of watching it if you want to, who knows maybe the after the hurricane sister arc is over it becomes a breeze to watch (I'm sorry) and It could reignite the charm that season 1 had but I have a lot more anime to watch before I come back to it.


Have some music, I made the playlist myself and think it is nice to listen to while reading or just relaxing.

Oh and as usual (or what will be the usual)

And again, have a nice day!

The first of many? [With a touch of Monogatari]

So!!! Post 1....
Hello there!!! My name is Russ and this is a blog about anime and other things maybe League of Legends, they say that If you have something you have to constantly work on then it keeps you more motivated and keep a stronger will to do more stuff so here we go!

Every post will have some pictures courtesy of my /a/ and /c/ folders so there will always be something to look at if nothing else.

So currently starting Nekomonogatari Kuro (3rd Installment of the monogatari aired series. It focuses on the Tsubasa Cat story ark and is a prequel (chronologically) to Bakemonogatari.  And it still never ceases to provoke reactions from me like, rising up and going "ooooooooooooohh sheeeeeeeeeeet" and thinking this is amazing!!! It has the SHAFT style to it so you're always going to get something that looks interesting no matter what happens. I'm enjoying the ride that the Monogatari series is taking me on, I wasn't too sure during the first half of bake, but the following episodes really brought it back for me.

So time to delve further into the monogatari hype ride.
And so ends post 1, who knows how this will turn out but until then I'll leave you with this...
Have a nice day people
