So now that the Spring Season 2014 is in it's closing stages the next posts will be about those ones mainly.
So to start off with we have Mangaka-san to Assistant-san.

As far as the "story" goes there is no main over arching plot as each episode is split into around 3 scenes (similar to GJ BU!) that are centered around slice of that days events ends with a (mainly exasperated) quote from one of the characters and is a nice way of closing each one.
The characters are enjoyable if slightly generic but all have interesting developments or history flashbacks apart from her....
Don't get me wrong shes a nice enough copy pasted moe blob but I don't recall any development of her at all apart from a bunny outfit which I wouldn't really call plot development, though I guess it's "plot" development. I honestly think a frilly fluffy animal could have taken her place and it wouldn't make a big difference to the series.
To recover from that (slight) tangent this is about Aito the main character. While watching this show I found his extent of being a pervert both funny and harmless but at the same time rather eye brow raising, there are a few times when even I was slightly WTF. *Cough* elevator scene *Cough*
Still those things aside I still find him both funny and an appropriate main character for this series as someone more normal would probably be either boring or so cliche harem it could be on par with Shuffle.
Still there's a
Like this one...
Or this one....

Or her (kinda)

But hey, it's funny short and was one of the releases I was always happy to see having been subbed, I've really enjoyed it and who knows you might too!
Should you watch Mangaka-san to Assistant-san?
Yes totally, unless all the shouting about panties makes you think wtf is this guy doing then I guess not.
Okay the tsunnami pun was bad
Thanks for reading and have a nice day.
**TL NOTE**(Tsun meaning cold personality type) (nami meaning wave) (Tsunami is a large harbor wave) so TSUNnami meaning wave of cold characters
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